IGSO PAS > Science > Projekt

Detecting Territorial Potentials and Challenges (DeTeC)

Date: -

Supervisor in IGSO PAS: Jerzy Bański

Contractors: Jerzy Bański, Mariola Ferenc, Magdalena Górczyńska-Angiulli, Michał Konopski, Zofia Nowicka

Acronym: DeTeC
Program: ESPON
Leading partner: Nordregio
Foreign partner: Nordregio, OIR
Orderer institution: Komisja Europejska
No.: ESPON Scientific Platform/Tools Project 2013/3/6

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The general objectives for the ESPON project Detecting Territorial Potential and Challenges (DeTeC) are to, in close collaboration with practitioners and stakeholders: 1) develop practical guidance of how practitioners and policy makers can utilize ESPON knowledge for detecting territorial potentials and how to turn challenges into potentials deriving from their larger territorial potential and 2) to provide concrete examples of good practices in utilising territorial potentials and/or deal with particular challenges including a European outlook and combining ESPON results with local and regional knowledge.

The project will thus meet the increased demand for evidence-based analytical approaches and methods supporting practitioners and policy makers searching for territorial potentials and meeting territorial challenges involving a European perspective. It will contribute with both place-specific and general knowledge on how territorial potentials and challenges can be detected and utilised by using ESPON knowledge.

We are pleased to present to you An interactive handbook for policy-makers and practitioners on how to use ESPON knowledge at local and regional level, which is the result of collaboration between the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Nordregio (Sweden) and the ÖIR (Austria) under the ESPON DeTeC project (Detecting Territorial Potentials and Challenges).

The guide is available to download from iTunes:


as well as in the version available on Windows computers from the ESPON website:


We encourage you to read and distribute the guide.


Abstracts, reviews, notes

  • Ferenc Mariola, Smas Lukas: Editorial. - Europa XXI 2014, 25 - s. 5-6.

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