Zakład Geografii Miast i Ludności

Indeksowane w JCR publikacje pracowników Zakładu, wydane w 2017r.

Górczyńska M., 2017, Social and housing tenure mix in Paris intra-muros, 1990-2010, Housing Studies, 32, 4, s. 385-410.

Górczyńska M., 2017, Gentrifiers in the post-socialist city? A critical reflection on the dynamics of middle- and upper-class professional groups in Warsaw, Environment and Planning A, 49, 5, s. 1099-1121.

Górczyńska M., 2017, Mechanisms of property ownership change and social change in inner-city Warsaw (Poland), Urban Studies, DOI: 10.1177/0042098017730006 on-line.

Stępniak M., Jacobs-Crisioni Ch., 2017, Reducing the uncertainty induced by spatial aggregation in accessibility and spatial interaction applications, Journal of Transport Geography, 61, s. 17-29.


Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., Brunarska Z., 2017, The futures of ethnic groups in the Russian Federation. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 58, 3, 279-296.

Rees P., Bell M., Kupiszewski M., Kupiszewska D., Ueffing P., Bernard A., Charles-Edwards E., Stillwell J.: 2017. The Impact of Internal Migration on Population Redistribution: an International Comparison. Population Space and Place, 23, 6 - s. 1-22.

