Department of Geoenvironmental Research


Notes for contributions

Typescript. Two hard- copies plus an electronic file of manuscript should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief. The target lengh of papers is 12 pages + illustrations. Type scripts should be double spaced with wide margins.
The submission of the paper to the Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica will be taken to imply that the paper is original and unpublished, a similar or the same text has not been submitted elsewhere nor is being considered for publication elsewhere.

Title page. Name(s) and the title of the paper. Should appear on first page. Main professional/academic affiliation(s) and full adress(es) including email of the author(s) should appear on the last page of typescript.

Abstract and Key Words. An abstract not exceeding 250 words in English must be included. Six key words should follow on a seperate line: one for locality, one for topic, one for method and three others.

Headings are capitalised.

Illustrations should be of high quality and submitted a sink-on-paper copy and in a standard electronic files. They should be produced near to the desired size of the printed version. Each figure should be submitted as a separate file in original format or in TIFF format with resolution 300 dpi in minimum. Names of files should be numbered in the same way as figures. Black-and white prints of illustrations must be submitted to a standard suitable for reproduction. The line thickness used for line drawings should be related to the size of the diagram and the reduction that is likely be used. All scale lines should be labelled. Titles should not be given on the drawings, but figure numbers should be pencilled lightly on the back.

Captions must be typed on a separate sheet. Figures, photographs and tables are numbered separately consecutively using Arabic numerals for both (Figure 4, Table 1).

Tables must be typed using few horizontal rules and vertical rules. They are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals (Table 2, etc.). Titles should be coincise, but as informative as possible. The approximate position of Tables and figures in the text should be marked in the typescript.

Copyright. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain copyright clearance for the reproduction of Figures. Tables or photographs and the ensure adequate acknow-ledgement.

References. Authors must use the system, in which author’s names (no initials) are given in the main body of the next (Z u b e r, B l a u t h 1907) or (Z u b e r, B l a u t h 1907; S t a r k e l 2008). References are listed alphabetically at the end of the paper under the heading. References and set out as follows:

K l i m a s z e w s k i M., 1988, Rzeźba Tatr Polskich, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa, 668 pp.

Book chapter:
S t a r k e l L., 2008. Rola ekstremalnych zjawisk meteorologicznych w przekształcaniu rzeźby Południowej Polski, [in:] M.J. Kotarba (ed.), Przemiany środowiska naturalnego a rozwój zrównoważony. Geosfera, Kraków, 41-52.

Paper in journal:
S t a r k e l L., 1972, The role of catastrophic rainfall in the shaping of the relief of the lower Himalaya (Darjeeling Hills), Geographia Polonica 21, 103-160.

Web page:
S i m e o n o v P., B o c h e v a L., M a r i n o v a T., 2007. A Climate Study of Severe Convective Storms over Bulgaria: Frequency Distribution and Severity, [in:] 4th European Conference on Severe Storms, 10-14 September, Trieste, Italy. Online 28.07.2011 -

R o t h Z. (ed.), 1989. Geologická mapa ČSR 1 : 50 000 list 25-21 Nový Jičín. Ústřední ústav geologický, Praha.

Editorial Board of Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica warns that any detected cases of the phenomenon of "ghostwriting" (the person has made a significant contribution to the publication, without disclosing his participation as one of the authors) and "guest authorship" (the person is listed as author/co-author, although its contribution as an author is minimal or doesn’t have a place) will be documented and exposing, including notification of relevant actors (institutions employing the authors, societies, associations, scientific editors, etc.).