Towards spatial justice –
territorial development or marginalization
The Warsaw Regional Forum is organized since 2004 on a regular basis once every two years (biennially) by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, together with the Ministry of Investment and Economic Development, Committee of Geographical Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish Geographical Society. To date, there have been eight meetings held under the common title Warsaw Regional Forum. During those meetings more than 370 papers have been presented and the participants came from 35 different countries.
The subject matter of the conference concerns theoretical and methodical as well as practical aspects related to the idea of spatial justice. This term has been used for a number of years in social and geographical sciences when defining the marginal level of territorial inequalities. In the subject literature, spatial justice is perceived through the prism of residents’ mobility and their capability of achieving specific goals. In practical terms, this often comes down to manners (methods or tools) of overcoming delays in development and territorial marginalization at various spatial scales. During the conference, the issue of spatial justice will be raised respecting both European, national, regional and even local aspects. At the European scale, spatial justice refers directly to evaluation of support provided to regions by the EU. Concerning the local dimension, the problem of spatial justice regards territorial development policy pursued by self-government authorities, including spatial planning, moulding living conditions.
The conference intends to discuss the tools of overcoming the threat of marginalization, including actions based on the use of endogenous potentials, as well as external intervention. The subject of the meeting will simultaneously encompass agglomerations and other areas of economic development, as well as linkages and spatial interactions between developed and lagging regions.
The following topics are expected to be held at the conference:
- Spatial justice in theory and research concepts;
- Methods and tools for measuring spatial justice, territorial cohesion and marginalization;
- Delineation of growth and marginalized areas;
- Mobility and accessibility in relation to spatial justice;
- Approaches to counteract territorial marginalization;
- Development inequalities in the European Union in light of the Cohesion Policy after 2020;
- Territorial inequalities in urban structure;
- Spatial planning as a way for counteracting marginalization;
- Public benefit services as a determinant of marginalization.
Field study trips have always been an inherent part of each of the Warsaw Regional Forum conference. During these trips there are usually meetings held with representatives of various institutions that play an important part in local development. Thanks to a diverse group of speakers, the participants have an opportunity to confront their own theoretical knowledge with the practicalities of regional and local development. Moreover, every time a route of field study trip is invariably planned in such a way so as to include interesting tourist sites. This year there will be one day trip for all participants of the Forum who confirm it in the Registration Form. A study trip before this year’s Conference will provide a possibility to discuss issues related to spatial justice in Mazovia region – one of the most diversified and polarized in Poland.
The conference will be organized jointly by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Investment and Economic Development, Committee of Geographical Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish Geographical Society and Commissions of the International Geographical Union. This will enable the gathering of a broad spectrum of representatives of science and practice and exchanging the findings, experiences and views on the subject of territorial marginalization, inequalities in development of spatial structure as well as methods and tools for shaping spatial justice.
Keynote speakers
Location of the conference
Key dates
Cost of participation
Registration & Contact
Download: First Circular, Registration Form, Abstract Layout
Warsaw Regional Forum – an overview of first four conferences